What We've Done
The 2020 BNC is being orchestrated by the Electoral Justice Project (EJP), a project of Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) that seeks to continue a long legacy of social movements fighting for the advancement of the rights of Black people through electoral strategy. It will be preceded by the “People’s Convention” on August 6-7, 2020, which will convene hundreds of delegates made up of activists and organizers from across the U.S. to connect M4BL’s policy platform to specific policies, programs, and investments in their cities and communities.
The Higher Heights Senior Civic Leadership Fellowship is a partnership between Three Point Strategies and Higher Heights to provide Black Executive Leaders a space for the senior level coaching and community they require to grow as high impact leaders. Three Point Strategies curated the application, selection and onboarding process, as well as provided custom curriculum development and facilitation for the Fellowship.
Executed in April 2019 at Texas Southern University, the She The People Presidential Forum showcased 8 frontrunner Presidential primary candidates and became the first-ever Presidential forum to exclusively center women of color voters’ voices. From the questions, to the audience, and the viewership, this forum was for us, by us. With nearly 500 media hits, nearly 2 million viewers, the She The People Presidential Forum’s impact woven through the rest of the 2020 Presidential primary.
The Electoral Justice Project (EJP) is a project of M4BL that seeks to continue a long legacy of social movements fighting for the advancement of the rights of black folks through electoral strategy. We recognize that voting alone will not change the conditions plaguing black communities, but we understand that with strategic political actions we can make immediate interventions as we move toward ensuring that all black people live full, safe and healthy lives.
A campaign led by people of color activists to hold the Democratic Party accountable to spending equitable resources on voters of color. We engaged the Party in conversations, research and launched a set of report cards on the most competitive senate races in the 2016 election cycle. After the disastrous loss of the 2016 national elections, Democracy in Color hosted the first ever candidate forum of the candidates running to be DNC Chair, with a central focus on racial justice.
In partnership with The Reflective Democracy Campaign, The Pathway Project was a year-long research and qualitative analysis process that engaged people of color-led activist organizations in civic education and training in how to engage in movement electoral politics.
Founded by Stacey Abrams who envisioned a program that trained and coached people of color leaders to manage campaigns in the South. The Blue Institute brought together 50 people of color leaders and worked intentionally to ensure they had campaign positions on the 2016 election cycle. One hundred percent of all Blue Institute graduates were hired and participated in local and national elections.
We specialize in electing the first’s, the only’s and the truly magical. At Three Point Strategies we not only trust Black women, they are our North Star. We’ve worked with candidates running for US Senate to City Council and in 2017 TPS worked with six Black women mayoral candidates to usher in the #yearoftheblackwomanmayor.